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Conference Room Rentals

Conference Room Policy

The Amherst County Chamber of Commerce ("Chamber") has a conference room available for rent to both Chamber members and the public. The conference room is also utilized by the Amherst County Economic Development Authority ("EDA"). Any rental of the conference room must be coordinated with the Chamber staff and must not conflict with use of the conference room by either the Chamber or the EDA.

The conference room has the following features:

  • 15 person conference table
  • Big screen TV with internet connection
  • Wi-Fi internet access
  • TV has USB port and HDMI cable for laptop connectivity
  • Cordless Telephone

The conference room is available during the following normal operating hours:

Wednesday - Saturday: 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm

Fee Schedule Public Public Non-Profit Chamber Members Non-Profit Chamber Members
Up to 3 Hours $40.00 $20.00 $25.00 $12.50
Up to 8 Hours $65.00 $32.50 $50.00 $25.00

All fees must be paid prior to the date of the scheduled rental. Cancellations less than 24 hours prior to the date of the scheduled rental will result in a forfeit of the fee. The Chamber reserves the right to deny any group the use of its premises for any or no reason.

General Rules and Restrictions:

  1. Alcoholic beverages may NOT be served or consumed during the rental of the conference
  2. Seating may NOT exceed room
  3. Groups may not imply that the Chamber sponsors or endorses their meeting.
  4. Excessive noise or disruptions to the functions of the Chamber are not permitted. Music and noise must be kept to a reasonable level, and in accordance with any noise ordinance.
  5. The Chamber reserves the right to alter this policy without prior notice.
  6. Individuals, organizations and groups using the conference room are responsible for leaving the facility in good order with doors locked, lights turned out and windows shut. Abuse of the property will result in charges for the repair or replacement of damaged property and/or the loss of permission to use the conference room.
  7. Nothing may be attached to the painted walls, furniture, doors or the ceiling
  8. Use of the printer/copier is prohibited and reserved for Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center staff only.
  9. Use of the kitchen - counterspace, sink, coffee pot, refrigerator is permissible if space is available. You must provide your own supplies - coffee, condiments, paper products, etc.