Why Join?
Whether you're opening a new business or your business has been a part of Amherst County for generations, the Amherst County Chamber of Commerce is here to support you.

Membership matters! Consumers are 44% more likely to think favorably of businesses and 63% more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the future if they know they are a member of their local Chamber of Commerce.(Source:The Shapiro Group, Inc. and Market Street Services.)

Gain an ally who will work to support local and state policies that create an environment favorable to business, community growth, and development.

STAND OUT and get noticed as an active member of your community.We increase your visibility through weekly e-blasts, the Chamber website, social media, referrals, Chamber Chats, Member Minutes, grand openings, and much more. See below for more details.

By investing in the Chamber, you are supporting our community and those who want to do business here, through projects that focus on community need, events that connect the community and your business, and partnerships with community groups/organizations.

The Chamber continuously coordinates public speakers, legislative forums, social events, and much more throughout the County. Becoming a member of the Chamber will provide you with a front-row seat to all these events.

Cost Savings & Referrals
Member benefit programs save you time and money, and you get referrals when the Chamber receives requests for needs your business can solve. When you factor in all the benefits your business will receive when becoming a member of the Amherst County Chamberof Commerce, the dollar value is unparalleled.
Ready to Join?
Providing the connections, resources and information you need to grow your business. Sign up today and start benefiting from your chamber membership!

More Perks
Annual Business Appreciation Awards Dinner: This is a special evening set aside to honor Amherst County businesses for their commitment to serving our residents, visitors, friends, and family.
Chamber Website: All members are listed on our website, www.amherstvachamber.com, in the business directory, which is where thousands of individuals go each month searching for businesses and organizations like yours! Use our website to post “Hot Deals,” job opportunities, upcoming events, and more.
Social Media: With a multitude of subscribers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can utilize the Amherst County Chamber of Commerce (ACCC) to promote your business, events, and special announcements. Highlighting our businesses’ accomplishments, events, and products is something we enjoy.
Chamber Chats and Member Minutes: Chamber Chats and Member Minutes are great opportunities to connect with the County virtually on social media.
Weekly e-Blasts: Our weekly communications highlight our members, Chamber events, events in the County, and important state/legislative information that matters to your business. It is currently delivered to the inbox of hundreds of people and then cross-posted on our social media to reach thousands more. Send us your newsworthy announcements and events, and we will get the word out!
Amherst Community Map: This printed and online publication helps people learn more about products and services that are available in the area.
Referrals: The Chamber receives requests in many forms for services that our members offer. We gladly promote member-to-member business through our referral process.
Grand Openings and Ribbon Cuttings: This is the best way to quickly bring awareness to yourbusiness. This ceremony introduces you and your employees, along with your location, products, and/or services to the community.
Become a member today!
You could start taking advantage of your membership in as little as one day. Just submit the application to get started and JOIN TODAY!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Take your business to the next level by becoming a sponsor. Corporate Sponsorship Packages offer your business an opportunity to quickly and easily choose a best-fit sponsorship that allows you to support the Amherst County Chamber of Commerce, while receiving exposure all year long.